Revelation of the Preaching of Deliverance to the Captives, in this World and in Hell
What happens to the people who have died who never heard about Jesus or were told lies about Him when they lived. If Jesus is the one and only way for people to be restored to fellowship with God then He must have a plan to offer salvation to these souls. If He has no such plan then there must be other ways to be saved. Jesus does have this plan it is in the Bible but it has been overlooked.
This is a book containing the visions and prophecies spoken to me by Jesus and Mary on this topic. I have spent 33 years searching the scriptures to find out if the Bible corroborates these revelations or not. I believe I have found satisfactory proof that this is truly God’s plan for the salvation of those who lost their life before they could hear the gospel. Salvation in hell.
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Preaching the Gospel in Hell
We are engaged in a war with the forces of Hell, sin and death. Hell opposes the Church using the tactics of Guerrilla warfare. God has designed a battle plan for the Church that takes into account the form of warfare our enemy employs. This book teaches how the Church will be able to dominate hell on earth that She encounters through faith prayer and action. It also teaches how the Church will take the gospel into Hell itself and unleash the power of preaching there.
The season of Rapture has already begun. The bodily resurrection of Israel in the 1,000-year reign of Jesus and further evidences of the metaphysical theory of salvation in Hell will all be discussed.
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