It is said that the purpose of a prophet in the Church is

“to give the Church something from God that She is to say”.

It is when we say what God says that the world is changed.

All Souls

God has a word to say about ALL SOULS. We need to be saying what God said.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is … not willing that any (person/soul) should perish (eternally) but (is willing) that ALL should come to repentance (accept the forgiveness offered in Jesus). That is what God has said. ALL SOULS.

The Church needs to say God’s will:



Notice that God said that it is His will that all souls COME to the place of repentance.

This does not mean that every soul must be forced to accept the love of Jesus (as universal salvation requires).

It does mean that God WILLS that every soul be presented with the genuine opportunity to hear, comprehend and decide upon Jesus’ offer to take their sin and give them His righteousness (salvation).

Even though 2 Peter 3:9 has been in the canon of the Church for 2,000 years there are few who dare to speak it. The great catholic theologian HANS URS VON BALTHASAR published one of the few books on this subject. DARE WE HOPE “THAT ALL MEN BE SAVED”? It was published posthumously (after his death) and it required the intercession of the next two Popes to prevent him from being rejected as a heretic because of it.

Afraid of the Word

Why are we so afraid to say what God has said? It is time to show some guts and dare what God dares us to believe – that His dream of the presentation of the offer of salvation to ALL SOULS will come to pass.

The Tridium of Allhallowtide

There is a TRIDIUM (three days) in the Church year called the TRIDIUM OF ALLHALLOWTIDE. It is the three days from October 31 to November 2. They are 3 hallowed (holy) days.

At present the evening of the 31st begins the celebration of the Feast of ALL SAINTS ( just like Christmas Eve begins the celebration of Christmas Day).  November 1, All Saints, Hallowmas or All Hallows is a time when the Church celebrates collectively the lives of Christians who have not been specified a single day to be commemorated.

November 2nd is a FEAST OF COMMEMORATION OF ALL SOULS IN PURGATORY. It is a day when the Church offers special prayers on behalf of Christians who have died but are not yet ready to be fully in God’s presence.

Hallowe’en was designated to transform the pagan celebrations of Samhain (Celtic/Gaelic) into Christian intentions. Samhain was a day when the dead were thought to return to their homes or depart the earth for the afterlife.

It is Time to Update Hallowe’en to A New Day

The Church needs to extend Her prayers at this season, to the SOULS OF ALL WHO WERE EVER BORN.

She needs to extend Her faith to believe, as God does, that ALL SOULS MUST COME TO A PLACE OF REPENTANCE.

All souls will not accept this offer but JUSTICE REQUIRES that they are presented the offer to accept or refuse


Let us extend the TRIDIUM OF ALLHALLOWTIDE to ALL SOULS by declaring October 31 to be, not just the evening beginning ALL SAINTS


Hope and Courage

Let us make it a day when we Dare to Hope as God does.

Let it be a day when we show courage in the face of the danger of the HERESY OF UNIVERSAL SALVATION and claim the power and efficacy of THE OFFER OF SALVATION FOR ALL SOULS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST.

Philip Marzec

Pastor Philip G. Marzec has been an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 1983. He has been researching and writing on the topic of Salvation in Hell since 1992. Jesus is the only saviour the world needs. He is able to offer that choice of salvation to every soul ever born otherwise He would be insufficient for the task of saving the world. He will see to it that every soul gets a chance to know Him and accept or reject His offer to make them a part of YHWH's eternal family.

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