UNIVERSAL SALVATION: Is it Love to save everyone?
Giving every soul a happy ending, whether they want it or not – is that Love? Send them to some form of purgatory until they change their mind? that sounds like punishment or brainwashing – not love. Saving everyone, without regard for their words, will and desires is paternalism at best and mind-rape at its worst.
True Love is not Enforced. It is Offered.
Love gives. God promises to give us the desires of our hearts. God sent His Word to show us the way to the joy and peace He offers but His Word does not ENFORCE it’s own acceptance. There is no mechanism of enforcement in the 10 commandments. God’s law shows us how to live a good and happy life but it leaves us free to be as miserable and ugly as we want to be.
Lucifer was given the desire of his heart.
Lucifer desired to sit in God’s place – to be god. Yaweh did not punish him. He gave Lucifer his desire inasmuch as it could be given. God let Satan become the god of this world, replacing Adam. (It was Adam’s decision that God honoured.) God will also let Satan be the god of the Lake of Fire too. He can be god there because Love – who is the true creator God – will not be there.
If God gives Satan his desire, won’t He also give us ours regardless of what we choose? Love allows for rejection or else it is not love but coercion disguised as love.
Universal Salvation is Cowardly
Universalism posits brainwashing in place of love. Love allows for suffering and rejection of the lover. Why else did Jesus suffer so much, if not to allow us the choice to accept or reject His love?
Universal salvation is paternalistic and determinism. It is the act of a dictator not a lover. Love suffers/allows the possibility of rejection. Universal salvation rejects the possibility of rejection. It is cowardly. Love is brave.
In the Articles section of this website I include an excerpt from my book ‘Salvation in Hell’ regarding Universal Salvation that gives a more rigorous discussion of this topic. I also include an article about GREGORY OF NYSSA who was a disciple of Origen and an early proponent of Universal salvation in the early Church.
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