Jesus Saves Even in Hell
I begin with the suppositions that Jesus is the only way to salvation, (anything else would require another debate) and that all human souls will be judged by their words (Matthew 12:37).
Is it reasonable to contend that life is the only venue in which salvation through Jesus can be presented? After all, Jesus and the Old Testament Patriarchs all received salvation through the blood of Jesus after their deaths.
Jesus died in a state of sin, our sin. He was delivered from it in Hell.
Universal salvation is not a valid possibility because such a doctrine requires a god who is willing to dispense with justice in order to extend mercy.
The True God is just, that is His own revelation of Himself.
If God were not just, then He would be Satan.
The necessity of God’s justice is the overlooked factor in the question of salvation.
God must offer just judgment yet it is impossible to judge those who never had the opportunity to do anything other than continue in their state of sin.
Without choice there is no complicity with evil.
If there was never a choice (mens rea – guilty mind) then there cannot be a judgment of that choice (actus rea – guilty act). Therefore final judgment cannot take place until every human soul has had a legitimate opportunity to accept salvation through Jesus. Justice requires this before a judgement can be rendered.
It is a great scandal, to seekers after God, that the Church cannot (as yet) satisfactorily answer the question of what happens to those who never hear the offer of salvation in Jesus while they live.
If this is a scandal to them then why is it not a scandal to the Church?
Everyone Knows What God Requires, Don’t They?
It is said that God reveals Himself in creation ( Romans 2) and that those who truly seek Him will discover His attributes there, since scripture says that ‘those who seek shall find’. (Matthew 7: 7-8)
It is believed that somehow God will arrange an intervention in that soul’s life and reveal Himself.
That might satisfy church people but it doesn’t satisfy the seekers and it doesn’t satisfy me.
It lets the Church off the hook for preaching the gospel to some of the lost.
But that cannot be! The Word declares that it is through the foolishness of preaching that salvation comes about,
not through intellectual gymnastics or even spiritual revelations – but preaching!
Only the Church can preach the gospel,
not the angels nor even creation itself. That privilege and responsibility belongs to the Church.
Prophecy has led Me to Seek
Since 1992 the Lord Jesus has been speaking to me about offering salvation to those in Hell who have never been presented with a credible presentation of the gospel. This is a logical and legal necessity.
I have researched this in the Bible and have uncovered the revelation of the preaching of deliverance to the captives – doing evangelism in Hell.
It is already present in the scripture and can be seen once you look for it.
In my books and Hellrazer’s Bibles I have proven this to be a Biblical concept, though not a traditionally known one.
My research was guided by the prophecies spoken to me by the Lord.
I have published 7 books so far and I maintain this website and blog to help those who are interested, learn more.
We Do Not Find What We Do Not Seek
The principles for the presentation of the offer of Salvation in Hell can be seen in the scriptures directly and in ‘type’.
If you don’t expect to see them there you won’t find them because only those who seek, find.
That is why I began this article with the logical necessity of salvation in Hell rather than discussing how it is done.
The Word is Salvation
The Word of God is the power of God that conveys salvation. It is of no value to go ahead and preach good intentions. Only the Word of God has power in Hell.
If we try to do this without first confirming it in the Word of God, nothing but religion can happen. We will invent nice rituals like the Mormons did but we will accomplish nothing.
It is possible to be deprived of the privilege of hearing the gospel in life if the Church won’t tell you.
The first person I preached to in Hell was someone I had grown up with but I never told him about Jesus. I was his opportunity in life. From what I do know about him, I was the closest thing to a good influence there had been in his life but I wasn’t.
In Hell, he heard the message of salvation preached, from me, and was saved.
This was a miraculous intervention of God. It was not something I was thinking about or had even ever imagined doing. It happened unexpectedly while I was driving to work!
God has made provision for justice to be served even in the spite of an unfaithful witness – like me.
How do we evangelize Hell?
I won’t say for now. I want to create a hunger in you to seek the answer to this question in the Word and in prayer.” Those who seek, find”.
Ask God for a revelation of preaching deliverance to the captives.
I would be honoured to seek along with you.
Please contact me to see what I have found.
Like Reinhard Bonke says “Let us plunder Hell to populate Heaven” together.