Is God Calling You to Join the Order of the Beloved Disciple?

Are you seeking a deeper connection with God and His divine truth? Do you feel a calling to spread His Word and stand as a beacon of faith in a world that desperately needs salvation? If so, the Order of the Beloved Disciple may be your spiritual path.

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Is God Calling you to be a Fellow of the Order of the Beloved Disciple?

 It is a great responsibility to have a revelation of God’s truth to the Church. It is a great honour and a burden. That is why prophecy is referred to as the burden of the Lord. (Jeremiah 23: 33-38) It is said that a burden shared is a burden halved. A burden can be carried farther when we carry it together. This is an immense burden. It needs a fellowship to carry it to the ends of the earth.

            The revelation that inaugurated my study of Salvation in Hell began in November of 1992. On June 19, five months prior to that, the Blessed Mother, Mary, dictated the vows of what was to be called the Order of the Beloved Disciple to my wife Rev. Laura Jo Marzec. I did not see the necessary connection between that Order and the revelation of salvation in Hell until later.

Essentially there is nothing new about the ideas that are aspects of this revelation. The parts of it lie scattered around in the vaults of doctrine, the writings of the Church Fathers and the mystical experiences of the Church; Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. The spirit of Division, that has poisoned the relationship between the branches of the Church vine, has prevented these truths from coalescing into a breakthrough in the War against Hell, until now.

I have studied these revelations for the past 33 years. I did not even mention them publicly for the first 17 of those years because I did not have sufficient corroboration of them from the Word of God. I have searched the scriptures and found verification that will be credible to the Church. Without such a Biblical foundation the things I have to say would appear no different than the heresies of universalism and spiritism. But I have done the homework, and I am confident that this is really gospel – good news.

God sets the times and the seasons. In Hebrews these are called moeds. There are moeds/times when understanding of God’s Word is released. In his earthly life even Jesus was bound by moeds. That is why he said “ of that day and hour no one knows” Matthew 24: 36. (To study this more deeply: Deuteronomy 29:29, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Matthew 16:3, 24:36, Luke 21:24, John 2:4, 7:6, Acts 1:7)

God has set a time for the Church to be called into unity – “that they all may be one as the Father and I are one” (John 17: 11, 21,22). This is that moed/time. Whenever one of God’s moeds comes there arise those who dedicate themselves to the understanding and preaching of that cause.

St. Francis gave all of himself to the revelation of the joy and fellowship of the Lord. Those who walked along with Francis participated in that joy and fellowship personally, as well as in the preaching of that good news.

Martin Luther gave all of himself for the revelation of the priority and beauty of the written Word of God. Those who walked along with him partook of the beauties of the Word and endured the sufferings caused by the spirit of Division that was allowed to run wild.

God has released revelations at different moeds/times that have centred on: the heart of Jesus and Mary, healing and faith. In each case there have been those who dedicated themselves to these truths and the presence of God that they discerned in these revelations. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Kenneth Hagin, Sister Faustina, E.W. Kenyon. They ordered the rest of their lives according to the revelation that God had released for the Church in their time. They preached the good news.

We name some people ‘saints’ so that the Church can emulate the witness of their life and we can all be inspired. Yet there is no difference between them and any other follower of Jesus except the way they chose to respond to the call of Jesus for their life. Anyone of us can follow Jesus that closely in our own life and in our own time. It is only our decision to discern the call of Jesus to us and to dedicate our lives to that call that can make our lives an inspiration to the Church as a whole.

The Order of the Beloved Disciple is the Fellowship of those who have chosen to dedicate themselves to the mission and preaching of salvation for the unevangelized in Hell and to the unity of the Church. By the Vows they have taken, they have dedicated their lives to the service of Jesus and the Church in bringing the truth of these revelations from the Word to their brothers and sisters in Christ. They have dedicated their lives to fulfill Jesus’ words “I have not lost one that the Father has given me” (John 6:39, 18:9). Their part in that mission to all souls is to preach Jesus’ offer of salvation ‘to the ends of the earth’ – in Hell, to those who died without having had a legitimate opportunity to make their eternal decision about that offer.

If you have verified for yourself the authenticity of this revelation; through study of the Holy Scriptures, through the confirmation of the Holy Spirit and in obedience to those who are placed in authority over you in the Church to which you belong, then please come and see what the Lord has planned for you in the Order of the Beloved Disciple.

The next step is to accept a membership in this web-page. That will allow you to have access to information about the Mission Statement, Vows and Dedication to the Order of the Beloved Disciple. The member area of this site is for those who have decided to examine this cause in a deeper way. This section allows me to share things the Lord is saying to people who have a fuller comprehension of the revelation. The revelation requires us to look at many familiar things in a different way. It is easy to misunderstand what is being said unless you know the basis upon which it is said. You can receive every new posting on the blog if you complete the ‘join our blog’ section to set up a RSS news-feed.

I am responsible to ‘publish’ what the Lord Jesus says to me. I am called to preach it around the world and to the ends of the earth. Everything I have published belongs to the Church. I have copyrighted some of the writings so that I can maintain the right to respond to those who might misunderstand or misquote what I have written. I am responsible to Jesus for what He has given me. I must therefore take responsibility for what I have said and be the shepherd of this revelation. I ask you to walk along with me. I ask you to bring this good news to those who have never heard it while they lived.

Come and see.

Yours in Christ: Pastor Philip G. Marzec B. A., M.Div., O.B.D.

Vows of The Order of Saint John the Beloved Disciple: O.B.D.

In the prophecy, which opens the book Salvation in Hell, the Lord invites those who would join in this crusade against Hell to join His saints of the order of (after the fashion of) St. John the Beloved Disciple. Jonah is John in Hebrew. Simon Barjona – son of John. John, which means ‘gift of God’. The Order of St. John of Jerusalem – or the Crusaders- led the fight for the conquest of the Holy Land- Israel. The Lord is forming another order whose members vow to conquer the Unholy Land- Hell.


Vows are powerful weapons. When we take a vow we publicly speak our agreement to accomplish some end which the Lord has commissioned us to perform but which we, of our own power, ability and character are unable to do. We take such vows in the presence of God, the holy angels and the communion of saints in heaven and on earth. We do so, asking the Holy Spirit to make up in our lives that which we lack for the completion of that vow. Marriage vows are the most common example of this. Those who try to keep their vows without the help of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God soon find out how difficult it is hence the rise in divorce. On June 19,1992 The Blessed Virgin Mary dictated these vows of the order of the Beloved Disciple to my wife Rev. Laura Jo Marzec.

“The Order of the Beloved Disciple”

1) Vow of Poverty: This is a poverty of spirit such as Matthew speaks of. This is when you cast yourself entirely on the Lord. You depend upon Him for all your needs. You do not allow yourself to remain attached to anyone or anything else other than the Lord and what He provides. This vow is made in purity of spirit. We desire only one. 2) Vow of Chastity: This is a purity of intention and motive. With this vow we cleave to the Lord Jesus Christ and Him alone. It is as when “a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his Beloved”. This is a total consecration of the self to Jesus.This vow requires purity of heart. We love only one. 3) Vow of Obedience: This vow requires the submission of the will to the Lord and to those placed in authority over you. This vow is a vow of service. “He who would be greatest let him be the servant of all.” This vow requires humility/sanctity of soul. We serve only one.

The Vows:

Before You O Heavenly Father, my Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, before my blessed Mother, Holy Mary, Queen of Heavenand before the whole Court of Heaven, the Holy Communion of Saints and Heavenly Hosts; I make these vows. I make a vow of Poverty; to be kept in purity of spirit. I make a vow of Chastity; to be kept in purity of heart. I make a vow of Obedience; to be kept in sanctity of soul. By these vows I promise: to wed myself to the service of my Lord Jesus Christ, to the obedience of Him, and to consecrate my will, my spirit, my heart and my soul to His divine purposes in the Order of the Beloved Disciple. I make these vows through the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary and ask that they may be sealed in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


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