Mary is necessary

The Blessed Virgin Mary is not Catholic or Orthodox or pagan. She is Jewish.

Mary has been a stumbling block – a rock of offense – to some in the Church but she cannot be ignored. She gave birth to the Messiah by faith. She is as important as Abraham and Moses. Without her obedience and faith Jesus would not have been born at the appointed time.

The devil has tried to divide the Church over Mary. God is going to unite the Church – that they all may be one – at this same point, Mary.

Honor thy father and mother is the first commandment with a promise attached to it – long life. The Church cannot continue to dishonor Jesus’ mother an expect to attain the unity that He prophecies would exist at His second coming.

Mary is necessary. Those who do not yet understand her place in the Church must make the effort to learn and understand. “Give honor to whom honor is due”. Mary is due honor as the mother of Jesus. She has been given a part to play in the preparation of the Bride of Christ – the Church – to receive the Bridegroom at His second coming.

The Lord has given me revelations to share with the Church on this subject. I had to change my understanding of Mary when she began to speak to me just as I had to change my mind when Jesus spoke prophecies to me. Let the mind of Christ be in you. He loves His mother.

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