Pastor Philip G Marzec B.A., M.Div., O.B.D. is an ordained minister of the Rose of Sharon Evangelistic Association and a member of the Order of the Beloved Disciple. Ordained since 1983, Pastor Phil has served  congregations in Saskatchewan and Ontario Canada.

Philip and his wife Rev. Laura Jo Marzec resigned from the denomination they had served for eight years in order to open a mission in the heart of Windsor in obedience to a prophecy. The Ark was open for two and a half years offering free food, clothing, coffees and conversation. After the Ark Phil and Laura planted a House Church, St. John’s Congregational Church.

Since receiving a vision of salvation in Hell in November 1992, Pastor Philip has been searching the scriptures to discern what the Word of God says about it. The Lord has commissioned Philip to publish this revelation to the Church. “Take the vision and make it plain”.

Please make the effort to read what the scriptures reveal about salvation for those who died without having the opportunity to hear and understand the gospel. What you think you know may not really be Biblical after all.

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