That might sound like an odd question but it is important.
Are human beings disposable?
Does death end all that concerns each life? Or are we eternal creations?
Does our life surpass mere earthly ‘time’?
Do we have a relationship with an eternal God who claims to love us?
The Answers we choose
Our answer to these questions determines the things we choose to believe: doctrines, theories, philosophies,
what we choose to call the truth.
Evolution requires that humans be a meaningless cog in a complex and changing universe
that does not know where it is going, without purpose or goal.
Communism requires the subjection of each individual human unit to the ‘State’
which is defined as the only higher ‘good’.
Islam subjects the life of each person to the ‘good’ of Allah, his will, without reference to the good of the individual.
Only God who is revealed to us in Christ Jesus
subjects His own ‘good’ to the ‘good’ of the individual human being.
Worth or Worthless
If we do NOT accept this value that Yaweh gives us then we are free to treat others as though they have no value (eternal worth). If we deny our eternal status as it relates to the eternal loving God then we are free from moral restrictions that would determine our relations with other (worthless) human units. We do not need to offer them any of our knowledge of the truth of God’s love for us and His offer to accept us because they won’t exist soon, so they are not our problem.
Abortion or euthanasia are not moral questions if there is no eternal worth to the individual.
They become questions of economy and convenience.
Buddhism hopes for Nirvana and nothingness. Nothing is a worthless state.
There are even those who deny the existence of Heaven and Hell mainly because they do not want to deal with the moral implications that would be required of them if their neighbour were an eternal and worthwhile being.
This is a terrible loss because if there is no Heaven and Hell then there is no eternal mechanism of Justice. We are left with no promise of justice and no good end to hope for.
We are NOT disposable.
We are created in God’s image and after His likeness so that we will be able to be in a relationship with God in eternity. There are consequences to accepting the easy answer to the value of our neighbour, that they don’t have value. Ultimately such callous disregard of love will steal our own value and trap us in the hateful philosophies of this world.
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