This is a commandment,
an order, a law. It is NOT a suggestion.
It applies to every human soul ever born. It applies to Jesus too.
Jesus clearly honoured God as His Father. What about His mother?
Is this the one commandment Jesus broke? The question itself seems foolish.
The Church
We, the Church, are the incarnation of Jesus in the earth – His body.
Therefore His mother is our mother.
We are under the same obligation to honour her as Jesus was.
God cannot break His own commandments. Jesus did not break any of them.
Adoption into God’s Family
The salvation Jesus offers humanity is adoption into His family. Jesus exchanged our status as the condemned citizens of Satan’s kingdom for His status as Son of God. He then destroyed the power of sin and death in Hell – thereby destroying the rulership Satan had exercised in the earth. He turned us from aliens of an evil empire into His sisters and brothers – adopted members of His family. (Romans 8: 15, Galatians 4:5)
If we accept our adoption into the family of God through Jesus we therefore accept God as our Father. It should be obvious that this acceptance includes the acceptance of the spouse whom the Father has chosen to bear His son – Mary.
Mary becomes our mother.
Mary acted as a Necessary part of Salvation
I realize that this messes with some people’s minds.
They might agree with the logic of it but “our mother” too?
The Holy Spirit moved on the face of the waters … and God said Light Be. Genesis 1: 2-3
The Holy Spirit came upon Mary and God said Son of God Be.Luke 1:35
The Holy Spirit came upon those gathered in the Upper Room and God said Church Be. Acts 2: 2-3
God creates by speaking. Creation is an intimate act but not necessarily a sexual act.
It required an intimate union with God for Mary to receive and bring forth the Word – Jesus.
Mary participated in an act that was greater than the creation of of the Church,
even greater than the creation of light.
Mary was the doorway into the World for Salvation Himself – Jesus.
We must Honour our Mother
We cannot remain contrary to Mary and honour our mother.
She is our mother if we accept Jesus.
We must be willing to give to her the honours that the scriptures designate for her.
Luke 1:46-55 records the words Mary spoke under the anointing of God. It is known as the Magnificat. In it she declares “All generations shall call me Blessed”. There is no record of anyone disputing the truth of these words at that time. It is phrased as a command. It is a truth we need to acknowledge.
If we do not want to give Mary the title ‘Blessed’ we must at least acknowledge that it is a fact. She was blessed beyond all women in that she gave birth to Jesus, the Word, God in human form. If you do want to deny the blessedness of Mary you deny a necessary aspect of the Incarnation of God in Christ. He needed a mother to be born as one of us.
Mary is called Virgin. Isaiah prophesied that Messiah would be born of a virgin – a young woman – unmarried. The term explicitly refers to a woman without sexual experience. There were other terms that applied to unmarried women with sexual experience, dead being one of those terms since stoning was the punishment for unchastity.
If we do not want to honour Mary as Virgin, then we are allowing for a human agent in her maternity. That would mean that God was not necessarily Jesus’ Father as He was Adam’s Father. Jesus then becomes, not Son of God but a good moral teacher, an example, someone to whom we have ascribed divine attributes. He becomes a creation of our imagination.
Those who choose not to honour Mary of Nazareth as Blessed Virgin and our mother break a commandment, reject accepted prophecy and risk denying the Divinity of Jesus. There is a lot more a stake in our relationship with Blessed Virgin Mary than one would think.
The devil has unleashed a spirit of OFFENSE whenever Mary is considered. This spirit of DIVISION weakens the unity of the Church. Even the mere mention of Mary sparks heated reactions and a whole progression of rude and ill-considered arguments . Most of the objections are willful misunderstandings or ignorant declarations of ‘what I was taught’.
If children will not unite in defense of their mother then they are ungrateful children.
No bizarre tradition or misunderstood doctrine is more important than the commandment
Our refusal to HONOUR MARY as the Mother of ALL Christians
– who are the brothers and sisters of Jesus through adoption
– costs the Body of Christ dearly.
Our love for God and Jesus, is put to shame by our squabbling s with our brothers and sisters over the dishonouring of our mother. If you must be a Protestant, protest against sin and death, not your mother.
If you are convinced that you have not given due honour to Mary, Blessed Virgin, then repent. Repent means to turn around, to change your ways. Re-examine all the objections to Mary that have been implanted in your mind. Place them beside the necessity for you to honour the one who is mother of Jesus – your brother! The light of truth can only fail to drive out darkness if it is kept hidden. Ask Holy Spirit for light to shine in your darkness.
If you dare to defy the spirit of offense – you WILL drive it out of your life. Resist the devil and he will flee. There are many blessings and much revelation that will be released to you if you Honour both your Father – God and your mother – Mary.
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