(Icon of the Harrowing of Hell)
Everyone knows there is no salvation after death…..
Everyone except Jesus.
Surely the Lord God will do nothing
But He revealeth His secret unto His servants, the prophets. Amos 3:7
The mystery that has been hidden from ages and from generations
But now has been revealed to His saints. Colossians 1:26
“ I will show you evangelism by grace not by doctrine.”
The Lord
Prophecy Aug. 26,1997
I would speak to you more specifically
concerning your ministry in Hell.
I have set before you the possibility of the salvation of 3 billion souls.
There are 6 billion who have lived until now.
And 6 billion are alive now
Of those 6 billion who have passed 3 billion are saved and abide with me
or else are receiving preparation in Purgatory adjacent to the heavenly realms.
3 billion are incarcerated in the nether-regions
Of those, 1 billion have decided to be there
They have chosen to be gods like their master Satan did
2 billion souls are bound in chains
because they have never had the opportunity to choose.
Some were destroyed at birth
Thus, the sin of Adam determined their abiding
Some were deceived, willfully led astray by another
Some were kept isolated by devils
Neither the Gospel – nor prior to the release of the Gospel- My grace,
was allowed to penetrate their isolation.
You might wonder how I was prevented from presenting the choice to them
It is a difficult concept, but let me illustrate it to you simply.
A rock rolls down a hill
It disturbs other rocks and sends them on a journey downwards
This involves no choosing, only the consequences of prior actions
Once effected by such “cursed” consequences
Many souls never received a genuine opportunity to repent and receive salvation
For some this opportunity comes and passes in an instant
For others it is an opportunity constantly presented
I know each soul
I know all that is truly required for them to choose for or against me.
I am just
2 billion unreached souls abide in Hell – in torment
Hell is full of fear and darkness and fear has torment
This is just
It is the just consequence of Adam’s disobedience
My mercy is not to be judged by man’s opinions or theology
But My mercy has entered Hell
In Jesus – the righteous, the gates of Hell were opened to My mercy
Now Hell is also a mission-field for My Church
My grace reaches beyond the grave.
This is no kind of necromancy
These souls have no kind of knowledge or power to impart to the Church
Only the stars that will be added to the crowns of those who will preach to them
And those who will lift up those preachers in intercession.
I am completing the net of redemption
It has appeared to many, through the ages
that I was hard or neglectful of such souls as I have described to you
But it was always in my plan to redeem them –
or rather, to offer them the possibility of redemption
My grace is free, once presented, to be accepted or rejected.
It awaited these last days
when the outpouring of My grace and anointing were like a mighty river
that this power to evangelize Hell would be released to the Church
Some will tell you that you distract the Church
from the real work of evangelism among the living lost.
But a soul never dies
Until the final judgment there remains the possibility of redemption
Death is not a judgement
It is a consequence of sin
Ignore the doorway of death
It is not locked to the Church
Kick it open!
And spoil the strongman’s “goods” within
I am the Lord, I have spoken.
[i] Amos 3:7
[ii] Colossians 1:26
boosting elo lol
23 Aug 2015I’ve been professionally gaming for 20 years and I love