Do you have Hell-Hound Theology?

Are you a Guardian of the Gates of Hell too?



also known as Hell-Hound, was the three-headed dog of Hades

in Greek mythology. Its job was to prevent the dead from leaving Hades.


It has been difficult to get a hearing for the idea of Evangelism and Salvation in Hell.

“Everyone knows there is no salvation in Hell”.

“Once dead, there is no hope.”

“This is just another heresy: universal salvation, necromancy, etc.”


No one seems willing to listen.

It is as though barking dogs drown out the discussion before it begins.

Maybe those dogs have three heads.


The spirit of Cerberus still guards the gates of Hell.

Jesus smashed the gates of Hell when He rose from the dead on Resurrection Sunday.

The devil can only steal, kill and destroy. He can’t fix anything.

So the gates are still broken and guarded by a dead dog.


Now all that prevents the dead, who never heard the gospel

from leaving Hell in a Second Harrowing of Hell, is

the duct-tape repair done on the gates of Hell by theology.

People are so adamant either that Hell does not exist at all

or that it cannot be dealt with in any way,

that they refuse to even look at the scriptures concerning God’s goodness and justice.


I am rattling the gates of Hell to attract the attention of the Church!

“Look here! The gates are broken! Don’t let a dead dog frighten you away!


Cerberus theology is all bark.

The scriptures will take a bite out of Cerberus

if we would only open our Bibles and prayerfully consider

Salvation in Hell.

Philip Marzec

Pastor Philip G. Marzec has been an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 1983. He has been researching and writing on the topic of Salvation in Hell since 1992. Jesus is the only saviour the world needs. He is able to offer that choice of salvation to every soul ever born otherwise He would be insufficient for the task of saving the world. He will see to it that every soul gets a chance to know Him and accept or reject His offer to make them a part of YHWH's eternal family.

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