Source: Is their salvation in hell? | Becoming the Oil and the Wine
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Is their salvation in Hell? 
He will redeem his soul from going down to the Pit, and his life shall see the light. “Behold, God works all these things, twice, in fact, three times with a man, to bring back his soul from the Pit, that he may be enlightened with the light of life. (Job 33: 28-30)
There are many people who have done some horrific crimes and violence in society but God is still merciful to them if they repent from their sins. Some of these people have died without repentance so they are sent to hell as punishment. Do you think that they will have a second chance? This question is debatable and many of us will answer no, because many of us believe that terrorists, murderers and workers of inequities deserve to rot in hell.
I want you to study the above verse and note that it said that God will redeem man’s soul from going to the pit of hell and he can also bring his soul back from the pit of hell so that he will be enlightened with the light of life who is Jesus Christ. How can this be possible? You ask. Nothing is impossible with God.
Thank you Lord that you make all things possible.