“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself .” John 12:32 NIV

Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree. Galatians 3:13 KJV

The Cross (wood) provided insulation / separation from the earth as all sin, sickness, disease, sorrow, pain and death was poured into Jesus.

A Lightning Rod for Sin and Death

The Cross acted much like the increased vulnerability to lightning strike when an object is exposed or lifted up in a storm. The destructive energy of the storm, like the curse , seeks a way to be grounded in the earth. The power seeks the highest exposed point of contact.


Jesus received all aspects of sin. He declared, when it was fully present within Him, “It is finished ! Consumat est !” Declaring it’s complete containment within His heart.

The Desire of Jesus’ Heart

This was the prize that He had been seeking. “I have earnestly and intensely desired to eat this Passover/covenant meal with you !” Luke 22:15 AMP. It was within the framework of covenant that Jesus would receive all sin and separation into Himself.

This process was begun when He instituted the new covenant at the Last Supper. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus drank/accepted the fourth cup of the Passover meal – the Cup of Trembling, the Cup of Suffering. Until then, that cup was never drunk as part of the Passover meal – it was poured out. Jesus drank it and He himself was poured out.

It required all the time from Jesus’ prayer in the Garden (approx. 10pm) until His declaration of completion on the cross (approx 3pm). For 16 hours all that is not love, all that is not good and all that is not blessing poured into Jesus at a rate and flow that overwhelms our capacity to imagine it.

Just one hour of listening to the evening news is usually enough to overwhelm a sunny outlook on life with its tales of sorrow, despair and injustice. Jesus didn’t just hear about the sufferings and injustices visited upon others, He partook of the very essence –the distilled heart – of that evil.


After meditation on all this, the Lord began to speak this prophecy to me: Oct 8/17

My son,

I received all for which God suffered.

The Father suffered – allowed the sons of Adam to reject His Word and His way.

By their words and their wills they drew into their souls a miasma of suffering, sorrow and grief

sufficient to destroy creation.

But I under girded creation with My love and with the promise that I would redeem all things.

This acted as a buffering solution does. (in chemical reactions)

Destruction should have come (already) but I held it back by love.

I received it (destruction) from before the foundation of the world

and held it in tension / suspension within Myself.

I longed for the moed / time when I could relieve the suffering of the Father

and all those who will be My brothers and sisters.

Imagine every sorrow you have ever known.

See it as an inky black liquid.

See all the sorrows of all creation this way.

A mighty river of filth and misery – cries of anguish and sorrowing –

all flowing into Me on the cross.

“It is complete – finished.” I said.

Then I took that into death and Hell with Me.

There, I was acted upon by the poisonous substance of sin.

It did to Me what it would have done to creation, if I had not been holding it back.

I was torn into pieces, as creation would have been, but …

Once sin had acted upon Me (suffering)

My righteousness was revealed and it acted upon sin.

The Father declared Me righteous when My blood covered the whole earth.

My blood spoke My righteousness and destroyed sin.

I am the Lord.

Jesus’ Blood speaks the Answer to Sin, Suffering and Evil

The blood and suffering redemption of Jesus is the answer to the question of evil, horror, death and despair. No other answer reaches the depths to which sin has driven human souls.

Jesus is Lord of Hell.

His victory was first revealed there.

If we are going to preach good news of salvation to a world full of Auschwitzs

we must know the victory in Hell first.


Philip Marzec

Pastor Philip G. Marzec has been an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 1983. He has been researching and writing on the topic of Salvation in Hell since 1992. Jesus is the only saviour the world needs. He is able to offer that choice of salvation to every soul ever born otherwise He would be insufficient for the task of saving the world. He will see to it that every soul gets a chance to know Him and accept or reject His offer to make them a part of YHWH's eternal family.

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