Jesus was born again in Hell
The following are statements by Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin.
Benny Hinn has said:
‘My, you know, whoosh! The Holy Ghost is just showing me some stuff. I’m getting dizzy! I’m telling you the truth – it’s, it’s just heavy right now on me… He’s [referring to Jesus] in the underworld now. God isn’t there, the Holy Ghost isn’t there, and the Bible says He was begotten. Do you know what the word begotten means? It means reborn. Do you want another shocker? Have you been begotten? So was He. Don’t let anyone deceive you. Jesus was reborn. You say, ‘What are you talking about?’… He was reborn. He had to be reborn… If He was not reborn, I could not be reborn, I would never be reborn. How can I face Jesus and say, “Jesus, You went through everything I’ve gone through, except the new birth?
(Benny Hinn, Our Position ‘In Christ,’ Part 1 – Orlando, FL: Orlando Christian Center, 1991 – videotape #TV-254).
Kenneth Copeland has affirmed:
“He allowed the devil to drag Him into the depths of hell as if He were the most wicked sinner who ever lived … Every demon in hell came down on Him to annihilate Him … [They] tortured Him beyond anything that anybody has ever conceived … In a thunder of spiritual force, the voice of God spoke to the death-whipped, broken, punished spirit of Jesus … [in] the pit of destruction, and charged the spirit of Jesus with resurrection power!
Suddenly His twisted, death-wracked spirit began to fill out and come back to life … He was literally being reborn before the devil’s very eyes. He began to flex His spiritual muscles … Jesus Christ dragged Satan up and down the halls of hell … Jesus … was raised up a born-again man … The day I realized that a born-again man had defeated Satan, hell, and death, I got so excited … !”
(“The Price of it All,” Believer’s Voice of Victory, September 1991, p. 4);
‘[I]n hell He [Jesus] suffered for you and for me. The Bible says hell was made for Satan and his angels. It was not made for men. Satan was holding the Son of God there illegally … The trap was set for Satan and Jesus was the bait.”
(Walking in the Realm of the Miraculous, 1979, p. 77)
The late Kenneth Hagin said:
“Why did He need to be begotten or born? Because He became like we were – separated from God. Because He tasted spiritual death for every man. And His spirit and inner man went to hell in my place. Can’t you see that? Physical death wouldn’t remove your sins. He’s tasted death for every man. He’s talking about tasting spiritual death. Jesus is the first person that was ever born again. Why did His spirit need to be born again? Because it was estranged from God.”
(Kenneth Hagin, “How Jesus obtained His Name” Tape #44-H01)
The Blood of Jesus
On the Cross Jesus was abandoned by God. “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” If He was not recognized again by God after His death then how did He get to Heaven to present His Blood on the Altar there?
Since “God cannot look upon sin”, Jesus must have been sprinkled with His own blood (as the High Priest was sprinkled with the blood of the lamb) in order to present the blood of the sacrifice on the altar of the Heavenly Holy of Holies, the Ark of the Covenant.
Jesus first purified the Heavenly vessels with His blood and then presented the sacrifice of His own blood to verify the death of the transgressor (blood is the proof of death) and ratify that the price for sin (covenant-breaking) had been paid.
That price was the death of the transgressor and the tearing asunder of their body (shalom) just like the animals sacrificed in the ratifying of the blood covenant ritual.
Jesus’ shalom was taken from Him in Hell, not on the cross. It was the blood of Jesus that allowed Jesus to complete the work of salvation by presenting that blood in Heaven to legally satisfy the Father’s justice. We are born-again, from above by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Certainly Jesus would confess Himself as Christ. It cannot be wrong to say then, that Jesus was Born-Again in Hell.
My list of many false teachings:
Bible codes
The blood moons
Rapture ‘88 (and all the other dates they set- ex. 1994)
Prayer of Jabez
Holy Laughter
Red heifer
Laughing at the Devil
Running towards the four winds
Name it and claim lt.
the prosperity message
Declaring and decreeing a thing
Corporate prayer
You need a covering
( that was the answer to everything for a while just like corporate prayer is the answer to everything for a while)
God says I will do a new thing
Used to justify many false doctrines and practice and activities. Things that were not ministry were labeled as such and justified…
The Gregorian calendar being inspired
Chapters in the Bible corresponding to years on the Gregorian calendar
Chapter and verse inspired.
Zoe teaching
Yes I saw this Larry Huck Huxter on TV telling people that they’re all the beg gotten children of God. Which makes no sense at all. Jesus is the only begotten son of God. To say that someone else is begotten is to deny Christ of who he is but it also is to put yourself in a place of deity. Maybe these guys don’t understand that but they preach the gospel these word of faith/prosperity teachers that does not teach salvation as it’s taught in the Bible. So when people say it’s all right for them to teach false doctrine because they’re getting people saved you need to understand they’re not getting people saved they’re not teaching the salvation message. They’re teaching Hagen’s message which comes from Kenyon and he’s even worked after that.
You need to look into the plagiarism of Hagen from Kenyon’s booklets.
Kenyon wrote interpretations based of out of context scriptures which he misunderstood. His Conclusions were occasionally illogical. He would say the scripture says this therefore could this be true? And his conclusion would be illogical! The man must’ve had terrible reading comprehension.
In his phone writings Kenyon questioned his theories. I believe at one point later in his career he admitted that some of his teachings were metaphysical.
It’s important to understand this because these people Kenyon to Hagan to Copland to Dollar etc With the prosperity teaching and declaring things into existence which came from Robert Tilton, another word of faith teacher in fact the man who coined the phrase word of faith; those teachings are the bedrock of the modern church movement. Even Baptist are teaching this. They’ve realized that the prosperity message will fill their churches and make them a great deal of money. When you speak to these pastors behind closed doors and when you read today’s teachings on church growth you realize it’s all about amassing money and material possessions for the pastors. This is the opposite of the gospel of Jesus Christ there’s no self sacrifice here. In fact they don’t even know the phrase. If you use that phrase to them they will look at you as if you’re crazy. I tried against materialism in our church and several people came up to me and they were angry.
If you’ll notice all of the sad teachings come through those people. Anything that’s a fad that makes money they will teach until it doesn’t make money anymore. And they will never ever apologize when they are proven to be an error.
Word of faith/prosperity doctrine are satan’s teachings. They are deception.
Hello Pastor James,
I have read your comments and approved them for display on my site.
Do you have any comments about other things on my site?
I included the comments you refer to, in order to demonstrate
that other Christians have studied the things that happened to Jesus in Hell.
Blessings Pastor Phil Marzec