It is the job of a prophet to give the Church something to say so that by Saying it, the Church may Break- Through the strongholds of the enemy.
“The Word is the Breakthrough”
(the Lord said this to me on July 7 /16.)
Say Healing
In the past century, prophets in the Church such as FF Bosworth, EW Kenyon, Kenneth Hagin and Oral Roberts spoke, out of the Word of God, the TRUTH concerning HEALING. This led to RESTORATION of the place and power of Healing in the Church World-wide.
Say Authority and Deliverance
Prophets declared the truth of the Word of God concerning the AUTHORITY of Believers over spiritual forces. This led to RESTORATION of the place of DELIVERANCE from the domination of demonic spirits in the Church, world-wide.
Now Say Jesus CAN Save All Souls
Revelation of the FULL EXTENT of Jesus’ victory over DEATH and HELL, as it is truly revealed in the Word, will give the Church new Confidence and Victory. The CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE that Jesus is, and always was, the Way of salvation for every soul that was ever born is a foundation that will allow the Church to stand against compromise and confusion.
Prophets Restore
A prophet does not come up with something new. They simply reveal the truth of what is ALREADY IN THE WORD but which has somehow been hidden until they spoke it. They RESTORE to the Church something that already belonged to Her which She had ignored.
Say Salvation in Hell
If the Church will not SAY IT then She will not HAVE IT. People do not say what they cannot comprehend. The Knowledge of SALVATION IN HELL is obscured by the HERESIES of Universal Salvation and Spiritual Compromise which leads people to presume that there can be salvation by other religious systems.
There is an AVERSION to the slightest discussion of HELL and DEATH. This PREJUDICE is so strong that it effectively prevents the Church from learning anything about what the Bible says in these matters. People do not want to consider the consequence of their choices and actions in life, so they violently forbid the discussion of it.
People FEAR DEATH so completely that they will not tolerate any discussion of what the Bible says about the Church’s VICTORY OVER DEATH in Jesus. They will raise funds for cancer research to try and come to some compromise with the presence of death but they will cast out, as a heretic, anyone who tries to operate in the Church’s Victory over Death in the operation of the Healing Gifts of the Spirit.
People, even Christians, will tolerate the existence of Hell just so long as we don’t talk about it. They will also tolerate the existence of sickness and disease. They will fund-raise for it and research it but they will not rise up and
The Church needs to RISE UP against DEATH AND HELL. She needs the courage to look upon these things and overcome them by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB and the WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY.
Holy Spirit is releasing to the Church REVELATION of Her Victory over Death and Hell in Christ. It has been my burden since November of 1992 to release to the Church what THE WORD SAYS concerning SALVATION IN HELL and the UNITY OF THE CHURCH.
I searched the scriptures for 17 years before even discussing these things publicly because if it is not already there in the scriptures then it is just another heresy. I have highlighted the places where this is revealed in the Word in 3 HELLRAZER’S BIBLES. You can download a FREE COPY.
Say the Word
The Church must have the courage to SAY WHAT THE WORD SAYS about DEATH AND HELL. The Word says: TOTAL VICTORY, TOTAL SALVATION.
Salvation is Voluntary
Be very clear about this: the fact that Jesus conquered death and Hell does NOT DEMAND that every soul accept His offer of Salvation. Allowing this free choice is necessary to the Love of God. BUT we must confirm that it IS POSSIBLE for Jesus to save everyone whether they accept it or not. If it were not a possibility then we could not have confidence in the Justice of God, since equality of justice is a necessary part of justice.
The Church needs to SAY what the WORD truly says about DEATH AND HELL. To do that She must have the courage to begin to look upon these things from Her position beside Jesus at the Throne of God. We have the same Victory over Death and Hell that Jesus has!
Revelations 1:18 “I have the keys (authority) of Death and Hell”
“This is the Victory that overcomes the world – even our Faith.” 1 John 5:4
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