“Life isn’t Fair” = God isn’t Fair or Just

“Life isn’t Fair” = God isn’t Fair or Just

  • – a friend has a routine check – up.
  • – something is found
  • – after exploratory surgery, sew him back up
  • – nothing can be done
  • – “Sir you have days or weeks left” said the surgeon.

The person who told me this story raged against the doctors and said

“Life isn’t fair.”

What she meant was “God isn’t fair”.

It is not right for Him to do this or allow this to happen …



How much rage is there out there – directed at God

(the Great Fall-Guy in the Sky who is blamed but not honoured)

Why isn’t it Fair?

Why should God have to do something if we don’t have to do something?



It is trendy to talk about ENTITLEMENT.

We feel that we deserve _____ whatever, because we are _____.

There doesn’t have to be a reason.

Is that how Creation works?

Is it really just about me? (not everyone, just me)

Can we really decide about God’s goodness only by reference to ourselves

and whether we like what has come to us?

Is Justice, Just Us?


Theodicy: is God Good?

I think that the number of people who constantly think about THEODICY

– the question of the GOODNESS and JUSTICE of God – is far greater than is commonly believed.

People agonize over THEODICY after every terrorist bombing, tornado or disease outbreak.

The fear in which people immerse themselves,

drives them to anger against the one ‘enemy’ who never seems to fight back

YHWH – God.




Is life good and fair and just? Is life worth living?

Is death real? Is it good or bad?

Theses questions are much more important for us to have answers for than we have believed.

Every soul needs to come to an answer for these ?s if they want to live peacefully and hopefully

in the midst of the reality of fear, sickness, terror and death.



The whole focus of the Revelation of SALVATION IN HELL

is to address these very questions

– whether God is FAIR, JUST and TRUSTWORTHY

– in other words GOOD.


IF every soul in all Creation does not have access to the Goodness (salvation) offered by God

– then GOD IS NOT FAIR or TRUSTWORTHY and therefore NOT GOOD.



The Church needs to dig into God’s Word

and the revelations that the Holy Spirit has already bestowed upon the Bride of Christ

throughout the 2,000 years of Her marriage to Jesus.

Out of this truth we need to address and defend

and answer the question of the goodness of God.



If God cannot be cheated…

of the opportunity to SAVE (offer Goodness to) souls

regardless of what seems to stand in His way: death, lies, natural disasters, time

– then God CAN be shown to be FAIR, JUST, TRUSTWORTHY.



If the offer of Goodness/salvation can also be shown to be legitimate

– legal – equitable and satisfactory of our right to freely choose whom we love and serve (FREE WILL)

then God can be shown to be fair and just.



If God can be trusted to offer GOODNESS to absolutely every soul, without partiality …

If God refuses to be stopped in the offering of this gift

either by other people or even DEATH itself …



And if God refuses to make a final determination

about whether a soul can spend eternity with Him – or apart from Him

– until a Just Complete and Comprehensible Offer of that eternal salvation/goodness

– has been presented in accordance with laws acceptable to human justice as well as God’s justice …




The Church needs to tell this truth.

Every soul needs to hear.

Philip Marzec

Pastor Philip G. Marzec has been an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 1983. He has been researching and writing on the topic of Salvation in Hell since 1992. Jesus is the only saviour the world needs. He is able to offer that choice of salvation to every soul ever born otherwise He would be insufficient for the task of saving the world. He will see to it that every soul gets a chance to know Him and accept or reject His offer to make them a part of YHWH's eternal family.

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