The words which the Lord spoke to me on May 20th clarify the purpose and focus of the revelations of Salvation in Hell and the Unity of the Church. It is two-fold

  1. to PROVE that GOD IS JUST and TRUSTWORTHY. (This means that the focus is on the question of  THEODICY – the question of whether or not GOD IS GOOD.)
  2. to PROVE that it is POSSIBLE and LOGICAL that JESUS can be THE way of salvation or reconciliation to GOD for EVERY HUMAN SOUL who ever lived.

God is Good

It is necessary to show that factors such as:  TIME, DEATH, LIES, NATURAL DISASTERS, DEMONIC INFLUENCE etc. CANNOT PREVENT a legitimate PERSONAL OFFER of SALVATION THROUGH JESUS from being made to all souls.

Jesus Could Save Everyone

It is NOT NECESSARY to prove that Jesus’ status as SAVIOUR cannot apply to any other religious system or concept.  It is only necessary to demonstrate that , in the case of JESUS, that there is NOTHING which can PREVENT the OFFER OF SALVATION THROUGH JESUS from being made to every human soul ever born.

Salvation in Hell

The revelation of SALVATION IN HELL is an important aspect of this process of proving that JESUS IS THE ONLY SAVIOUR who meets the requirements of JUSTICE and THEODICY. This revelation CLOSES THE LOOPHOLE OF DEATH. It has been an ACCEPTED  theory that DEATH IS A CLOSED DOOR TO THE GOSPEL. It is generally believed that Satan has won if he can kill a soul prior to a presentation of the GOSPEL being made to them. The revelation of Salvation in Hell reveals that this is unjust and untrue. Death has NO Victory over the GOSPEL.

Church Unity

The revelation of the UNITY OF THE CHURCH reveals the true cost which the Church has paid for being DIVIDED and the truth about Satan’s purpose for Division.

James 3:16 For where there is envying and strife (division, factions and sectarianism) there is confusion and every evil work.

With the introduction of offense and division to the Church, we have clasped a snake to our bosom which PRODUCES the very evils with which we accuse each other. Our disobedience to the command to LOVE OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST has been the fuel of our disunity.


The restoration of, and commitment to, unity is the KEY which will unlock access to the treasures of wisdom and revelation concerning the CHURCH’S VICTORY OVER DEATH. This knowledge is scattered throughout the divided sections  of the BODY OF CHRIST. It was for this purpose that I edited the HELLRAZER’S BIBLES – to show the CHURCH where these HIDDEN TREASURES  lie within the WORD OF GOD.

Divided, we are no match for the wiles of the devil and the  GATES OF DEATH.



The May 20th prophecy declares that our knowledge of Salvation in Hell and the Unity of the Church is GOD’S PURPOSE AND WILL. It is not just a human idea.


Philip Marzec

Pastor Philip G. Marzec has been an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 1983. He has been researching and writing on the topic of Salvation in Hell since 1992. Jesus is the only saviour the world needs. He is able to offer that choice of salvation to every soul ever born otherwise He would be insufficient for the task of saving the world. He will see to it that every soul gets a chance to know Him and accept or reject His offer to make them a part of YHWH's eternal family.

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