The moral philosophy of Relativism prevents knowledge of the Truth and ultimately it prevents Love. I make this statement because this philosophy is a major stumbling block to the understanding of Salvation in Hell which requires the WORD OF GOD AS THE TRUTH to establish its principles.



Albert Einstein determined that Matter and Energy are related to each other. The Constant ‘c’ – the speed of light, is the unifying factor. Matter and Energy can be understood to be in flux relative to each other. Speed up matter (with an explosion) and energy is released. Light, Matter and Energy remain, even though their expressions change.

Am I a Universal Constant

Philosophers have applied this ‘relativity’ to Truth. They determined that ‘my truth’ is equal to ‘your truth’ even though they differ. These ‘truths’ serve as truth for the individual since it is posited that personal perspective – relative to truth – is a constant. Individual perspective becomes the equivalent to Einstein’s constant – Light. It is the unifying factor.

God is Light

God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. (1John 1:5) If we say that We are light (and yet we are darkness) then we deceive ourselves. (6). Applying Relativity to Truth is a means of applying to ourselves those virtues which properly belong to God alone.

God is Love

God is not only Light. God is Love. Relativistic moral philosophy declares, in effect, that there is NO Absolute or Objective Truth. Only we ourselves can be the arbiters of Truth. Truth is what we have determined it to be without regard for anyone else’s ‘truth’.

No Truth

This position decrees that any attempt to define truth apart from personal choice is arrogance and impossible. “The many ‘truths’ cancel each other out and there is, in the end, NO TRUTH AT ALL.”

No Relationship

It is strange that a philosophy based on truth vis a vis or related to each other, ends up in NO TRUTH. In fact, this position ends in NO POSSIBILITY OF RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS AT ALL. This last statement might seem to be an extreme one but it is the logical conclusion of completely individualized ‘truth’.

Shared Values

We are unified by the values we share. ‘I love you’ is the most important of these values. If, however, there can be no possibility of a shared definition of this value – love- then there can be no sharing, unity or love.

External values

God is love. Love is external to us. Love does not arise from us. Love is a choice of behaviours, a decision to value the other above ourselves, an eternal commitment that must be given and received – it must be shared.


Relativistic moral philosophy does not allow for this kind of sharing. The individual – as god – defines truth to suit itself. Sharing of love demands the surrender of this ‘right’ to define truth individually. True love requires a shared truth. “Thy Word is Truth” John 17:17


Truth must be external to us or else we cannot share it – partake of it together. If there is no ‘constant’ to define the relationship of matter and energy then we know nothing about them. If there is no constant, no eternal, external truth then there is nothing to define my relationship to others and I cannot know them.

No God but Us

If there is no absolute (external) TRUTH then there is no god but us and there is no external source of love that can be shared. There is only our own love for ourselves. This ‘love’ would only consist of a fierce defense of our right to define truth to suit ourselves.

Poison Philosophy

Unless this false moral philosophy is exposed and cast down from its enthronement in our society then it will continue to be difficult to convince people of the TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD. Without the establishment of that truth as the source of our truth and love, it is difficult to resist the charge of ARROGANCE that so offends the minds of ‘modern thinkers’.


“I will ascend above the heights of the clouds: I will be like the Most High.” Lucifer said. Isaiah 14:14 Satan fell from Heaven because he wanted to be the definition of truth himself. By taking this position in contradiction to God’s assertion that He is truth – the possibility of love and fellowship between him and God was erased.


Heaven is the home – the ground –of love and fellowship. Heaven is the place where God intends to make all creation one Family.


Satan has no place in Heaven. Neither does RELATIVISTIC MORAL PHILOSOPHY.

Philip Marzec

Pastor Philip G. Marzec has been an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 1983. He has been researching and writing on the topic of Salvation in Hell since 1992. Jesus is the only saviour the world needs. He is able to offer that choice of salvation to every soul ever born otherwise He would be insufficient for the task of saving the world. He will see to it that every soul gets a chance to know Him and accept or reject His offer to make them a part of YHWH's eternal family.

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