My First Experience

The inscription above the entrance to Hell in Dante’s Inferno proclaimed it. There is no hope for the dead who have rejected the offer of Jesus. But, has everyone there heard the offer?

God is Just and due process must be served. Everyone will be judged, therefore everyone must be given the chance to hear and decide.

The first soul in hell I preached to was a man I knew as a youth. I never told him about Jesus. I heard that he blew off his head with a shotgun. In 1991 I had a vision of him in hell. I told him about salvation through the blood of Jesus which he accepted and I saw him carried into Heaven.

As a trained Pastor I knew this was not possible. Since then I have searched the scriptures to understand this. I have written the books I offer in order to share how I have proven that these revelations have been in the Word of God all the time.

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