Fear of Death

The spirit of Hallowe’en is a spirit of death, fear and greed.

The Feast of All Souls is possessed by these evil spirits.

It is our own fault. We have surrendered to the fear of death and been possessed by this fear.

We are afraid to hope for All Souls – that they might become All Saints through Jesus.

We feel helpless against the forces of death: disease, war, murder and accidents, so we try to appease death with a holiday of its own.

We have surrendered Hallowe’en  to death.

Fear Leads to Compromise

In order to exorcise this evil possession we must destroy the roots that grow in our own souls which have given birth to this monstrosity called Hallowe’en.

Countless TV series infest our psyche with Sexy vampires and Unstoppable Zombies. Our fear of pandemic disease and plagues are at the heart of this morbid obsession.

We must overcome our fear of Death as the first step to the reclamation of our Feast.

The Spectre of Death threatens our ability to believe that our celebration of All Souls who have been born can lead directly into their becoming All Saints the next day by sharing in the acceptance and forgiveness of Jesus.


2 Peter 3:9 states: The Lord is. .not willing that any (soul) should perish (eternally) but (is willing) that ALL should come to repentance (and acceptance of salvation through Jesus).

Are we afraid that such a wonderful thing is IMPOSSIBLE?

Is that why so few Christians resist the lie that Jesus is only one of many ways to God?

Jesus said “I am THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life: No (hu)man comes to the Father except through ME”           John 14:6.

Either Jesus is a deluded liar or else politically-correct religion is.

Deliverance from Fear

To be delivered from our fear of death and to Dare to Believe that God’s desire for the salvation of ALL Souls is possible, requires a knowledge of Salvation in Hell. This is because the Church is afraid that God can’t do it. We have to KNOW  that God CAN, WILL and MUST make salvation available to ALL SOULS through Jesus. if not, God is unjust, untrustworthy and weaker than death.

Is Death Greater than Salvation

If people can die without ever hearing the Gospel of Jesus in a credible way and remain excluded from fellowship with God for all eternity, then death is stronger than God because it is able to prevent His will. If God is content to offer salvation to some souls only ,not all, then God is unjust since equity is a necessary component of justice.

Death is Defeated

Death must be exposed as an inferior and defeated foe. Jesus conquered Hell and death when He Harrowed Hell on Holy Saturday and rose from death on Resurrection Sunday. He released the prisoners held there by death, the covenant saints in Abraham’s Bosom. Only a victor can carry away spoils.

The Church has Authority in Hell – to Preach

Jesus has never relinquished His rights over the territory of Hell and death that He won. The Church has Jesus’ authority to act in Hell just as Jesus did, to preach the Gospel to those who never heard it and to deliver them to Heaven. We have authority over death disease and devils among the living as well. As we dare to act in our authority among the living we will be bold to deliver the dead in Hell too.

About the author: Philip Marzec

Pastor Philip G. Marzec has been an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 1983. He has been researching and writing on the topic of Salvation in Hell since 1992. Jesus is the only saviour the world needs. He is able to offer that choice of salvation to every soul ever born otherwise He would be insufficient for the task of saving the world. He will see to it that every soul gets a chance to know Him and accept or reject His offer to make them a part of YHWH's eternal family.

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