Pastor Philip G. Marzec has been an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 1983. He has been researching and writing on the topic of Salvation in Hell since 1992. Jesus is the only saviour the world needs. He is able to offer that choice of salvation to every soul ever born otherwise He would be insufficient for the task of saving the world. He will see to it that every soul gets a chance to know Him and accept or reject His offer to make them a part of YHWH's eternal family.
8 May 2020学习啦,很久没浏览过了!
Learn it, haven’t browse through it!
2 Dec 2019已加入收藏夹,时不时的来看看有没有更新博文!
Added to favorites, check it out from time to time
17 Jun 2019写的真不错,能学到很多东西!
It’s so good, you can learn a lot!
15 May 2019真心不错,不得不支持一下先!
Really good, have to support it first!