I have just completed a long-overdue revision of my books. It has taken 5 months. Now I am renovating my website. It has been sadly neglected. I hope the improvements will be helpful to your understanding of the information I am making available to you. Blessings Pastor Phil Marzec
Kyle: After reading Salvation in Hell What a read! I look forward to future occasions to discuss those revelations, insights, visions, prophecies etc. in greater detail. Most of that information was so counter to my previously held notions and ideas/theologies that it was really quite difficult to reconcile with those former notions. Interestingly, as I […]
This title might seem a contradiction in the minds of some Christians. Many people believe that the Church is divided by Mary but that is not so. What divides the Church is not doctrine or error or tradition. Spots and Wrinkles What divides us are spots and wrinkles. (Ephesians 5:27) What are they? How […]
I begin with the suppositions that Jesus is the only way to salvation, (anything else would require another debate) and that all human souls will be judged by their words. Is it reasonable to contend that life is the only venue in which salvation through Jesus can be presented? After all, Jesus and the Old […]