The words which the Lord spoke to me on May 20th clarify the purpose and focus of the revelations of Salvation in Hell and the Unity of the Church. It…
Foundational Prophecy The Lord spoke this to me May 20, 2016. It clearly states the Mission and Purpose of the Revelations of Salvation in Hell and the Unity of the…
(Icon of the Harrowing of Hell) Everyone knows there is no salvation after death..... Everyone except Jesus. Surely the Lord God will do nothing But He revealeth His secret unto…
CAN THERE BE SALVATION IN HELL? Does grace extend beyond the gates of death? We know that Jesus went to Hell and preached there. We know that what Jesus did…
(Excerpts: Chapter 12 of Waging War with Hell) All Israel Shall Be Saved St. Paul made this statement in his letter to the Romans (11:26). It is so radical a…
I begin with the suppositions that Jesus is the only way to salvation, (anything else would require another debate) and that all human souls will be judged by their words.…