UNIVERSAL SALVATION: Is it Love to save everyone? Giving every soul a happy ending, whether they want it or not – is that Love? Send them to some form of…
Jesus Saves Even in Hell I begin with the suppositions that Jesus is the only way to salvation, (anything else would require another debate) and that all human souls will…
Won't God just accept the 'good' souls anyway? After briefly reviewing my webpages a friend asked: Why is is necessary to preach to the damned who never heard about Jesus?…
I begin with the suppositions that Jesus is the only way to salvation, (anything else would require another debate) and that all human souls will be judged by their words.…
I am re-opening a debate which was closed 1500 years ago. Around 500 AD St. Augustine's rebuttal to the arguments in favour of extending salvation to the dead in his…